Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Permanent eyebrows are a real eye-opener!

Eyebrows give your facial features the perfect frame. And they can lift and brighten your expression. But a lot of us have thin, sparse, or practically no eyebrows at all. Permanent eyebrow tattooing can simulate hair strokes to give you eyebrows that look soft and natural.

Permanent makeup is possible through a procedure called micropigmentation, in which an organic pigment is embedded beneath the skin to add permanent color. Using a hand-held device that punctures the skin hundreds of times per minute with a very thin needle, the pigment is inserted into the desired location.

There are different techniques … the machine or the hand method, for example … and different types of brow looks for different people, face shapes and ages. And although there are other places you can have permanent makeup applied, doesn’t it make sense to work with a trained aesthetician supervised by a board-certified plastic surgeon?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sometimes, we say no.

Most people can name at least one celebrity they believe has had too much “work done.”
Our goal is always to have people tell our patients they look “wonderful … rested … thinner” without every suspecting they’ve had “work done.” And yes, every once in a while if we feel someone is asking for too much, we’ll say no.

But usually, the reason we say no, is that a patient has asked for the wrong thing. Here’s what happens. You see a procedure advertised or featured on television, and assume that’s the right one for you. Facelifts are a great example. There’s a lot of advertising for a procedure we refer to as a mini facelift. Women look in the mirror and see something going on with their chin, neck, jowl … that didn’t used to be there. Come talk to us. Your solution may be botox. It may be lipo. It may be a mini. Or maybe you need a traditional facelift to get the results you want. We’ll be happy to talk about all your options … and make sure what we decide is the right decision for you.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How important is it to be “board-certified?”

Fortunately, these days, more people are paying attention to the credentials of their medical professionals. Everyone is our profession knows horror stories of patients who have gotten cosmetic treatments or even procedures from less-than-qualified practitioners in undesirable settings with horrendous side effects — sometimes even death. Please, please! Make sure any cosmetic procedure or treatment is performed by or under the direction of a board-certified plastic surgeon. And it’s not enough to just be board-certified. The specialty matters. We encourage all our patients to ask questions. And the first one should be “Are you certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery?”

Thursday, August 1, 2013

If you experience excessive underarm sweating, check out miraDry®

Estimates say as many as one in five people suffer from hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweating. A new noninvasive procedure, called miraDry, eliminates the sweat glands under the arms to provide lasting results.

The procedure is performed in our office in two sessions that usually take about an hour each. The process uses precisely controlled energy to eliminate underarm sweat glands, which don’t grow back.

If embarrassing underarm sweat outbreaks, stained clothing or frequent antiperspirant applications interfere with your daily life, you may be a good candidate for the miraDry procedure.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Two fabulous reasons to start a clinical skin-care regime:

1. The sun!
2. The sun!

Warm, sunny days just make you want to go outside and play, no matter how young or old you are. You’re wearing less clothing … lighter clothing … and baring more skin. You want to look healthy, young and radiant. But the sun can do a lot of damage, and make you looker older than you are … and sooner than you’d like.

Our expertise in providing clinical skin-care services delivers both age-reversing results and invaluable peace of mind. So the beginning of summer is a perfect time to start a routine that will keep your skin looking and feeling its best for years to come.

Our medical spa services are performed by our trained estheticians under the supervision of Dr. Kevitch and Dr. Chung, both board-certified plastic surgeons.  Our treatments and procedures are medically based. They have been tested and approved by the medical community, and their success has been proven and documented.

Make an appointment today. Tell us about your concerns, and we’ll explain how we can help — with everything from high-performance cosmetics that were created to remedy and protect … to peels and facial treatments … laser services … and home-care options.

You can have a clear, even complexion and protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.